The Energy Sector deals with practices in the energy sector, from the pre-feasibility of the system, to an initial budgetary design, up to the preparation of a preliminary project and the authorization procedures for the construction and installation of the systems.
It also deals, among others, with the ordinary management of biogas, biomethane and photovoltaic systems.
The design of the systems concerns the hydraulic, electromechanical and electrical aspects, as well as the management of the construction phase.
We deal with environmental practices for the authorization of industrial plants, practices related to emissions into the atmosphere, the evaluation of the effects of odors and. to what is required by current national and international legislation.
The practices are carried out on the basis of international standards and through the use of internationally recognized models and software.
Start Engineering S.r.l. deals with the management of dangerous goods in a corporate context (according to the application of the mandatory Seveso III Directive), in relation to the transport of dangerous goods.
The application of the REACH regulation and related practices have had a strong impetus linked to an industrial context already known for the Seveso Directive (galvanic industry).
Start Engineering S.r.l. deals with the management of dangerous goods in a corporate context (according to the application of the mandatory Seveso III Directive), in relation to the transport of dangerous goods.
The application of the REACH regulation and related practices have had a strong impetus linked to an industrial context already known for the Seveso Directive (galvanic industry).